Here you can find my publications, with links to Open Access texts and/or to the publishers' websites. I hope you enjoy the reading!
STANO, S. (2023) Critique of Pure Nature. Cham: Springer. ISBN (Hardcover): 978-3-031-45074-7, ISBN (Softcover): 978-3-031-45077-8, e-ISBN: 978-3-031-45075-4 [EN].
– Springer
– Front matter
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2018) I sensi del cibo. Elementi di semiotica dell’alimentazione. Rome: Aracne. ISBN: 978-88-255-2096-6 [IT].
– Aracne
– Front matter
STANO, S. (2015) Eating the Other. Translations of the Culinary Code. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-4438-7793-0 [EN].
– Front matter
Edited volumes
SANTANGELO A. e STANO, S. (a cura di) (2025, in preparazione) The Meaning of Reality / Il senso della realtà. Lexia 47-48. Roma: Aracne. ISSN: 1720-5298 [EN, IT, FR, ES].
STANO, S. (a cura di) (2024) Nurturing Meaning: Food, Myth and Signification / Nourrir le sens : alimentation, mythe et signification. Signata 15 | 2024. Liège: Presses Universitaires de Liège. ISSN: 2565-7097 [EN, FR].
PONZO, J. e STANO, S. (2024) I media e le icone culturali. Roma: Aracne. ISBN: 979-12-218-1144-5 [IT].
KAHN, R., STANO, S., e RICCA, M. (a cura di) (2024) Subjectivities, Religion, Discrimination: Spaces and Lexical Imaginaries for Ubiquitous Justice. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law – Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique. Cham: Springer. ISSN: 0952-8059, e-ISSN: 1572-8722 [EN, FR].
Deadline for contributions: 15/09/2023
STANO, S. and LEONE, M. (eds.) (2023) Ideologia / Ideology. Lexia 41-42. Rome: Aracne. ISSN:1720-5298 [EN, IT, FR].
PONZO, J. and STANO, S. (eds.) (2023) Nuovi media, nuovi miti. Rome: Aracne. ISBN: 979-12-218-0521-5 [IT].
STANO, S. and BENTLEY, A. (eds.) (2021) Food for Thought. Nourishment, Culture, Meaning. Cham: Springer. ISBN: 978-609-02-1554-8; e-ISBN: 978-3-030-81115-0 [EN].
– Springer
– Front matter
STANO, S., A. DAUBARIENE, A. and U. VARANKAITE (eds.) (2018) Cross-Inter-Multi-Trans – Proceedings of the 13th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AIS). Kaunas: IASS Publications and International Semiotics Institute. ISSN: 2414-6862; ISBN: 978-609-02-1554-8 [EN, FR, ES].
STANO, S. (ed.) (2016) Semiotics of Food / Sémiotique de l’Alimentation. Monografic issue of Semiotica 211(1/4). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. ISSN (Online) 1613-3692, ISSN (Print) 0037-1998 [EN, FR].
STANO, S. (ed.) (2015) Cibo e identità culturale / Food and Cultural Identity. Lexia 19-20. Rome: Aracne. ISSN:1720-5298 [EN, IT, FR, ES].
– Lexia
– Front matter
Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
STANO, S. (2024) “Nurturing Meaning: Food, Myth, and Signification”, Signata 15|2024, ISSN: 2565-7097 [EN].
– Signata
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2024) “Nourrir le sens : alimentation, mythe et signification”, Signata 15|2024, ISSN: 2565-7097 [EN].
– Signata
– IRIS unito
KAHN, R., STANO, S. e RICCA M. (2024) “Subjectivities, Religion, Discrimination: Spaces and Lexical Imaginaries for Ubiquitous Justice: Editorial Introduction”, International Journal for the Semiotics of Law. ISSN: 0952-8059, e-ISSN: 1572-8722 [EN].
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2024) “Corps numériques : projections, extensions, simulacres”. Lessico di Etica Pubblica, 1-2(2023): 81-93. ISSN: 2039-2206 [FR].
– Academia (…coming soon)
– Lessico di Etica Pubblica
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2023) “Dis- and Re-Embodiment in Religious Practices: Semiotic, Ethical, and Normative Implications of Robotic Officiants”. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law – Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique. ISSN: 0952-8059, e-ISSN: 1572-8722 [EN].
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2023) “Désastres apocalyptiques : réflexions sémiotiques sur la représentation cinématographique de la fin du monde”. Cahiers de narratologie, 44 | 2023. e-ISSN: 1765-307X [FR].
STANO, S. (2023) “Linguistic guerrilla warfare 2.0: On the “forms” of online resistance”. RIFL (Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio), 2023 (SFL2022): 177-186. ISSN: 2036-6728 [EN].
– Academia (…coming soon)
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2023) “Food, Ideology and Critical Semiotics”. Lexia, 41-42: 307-322. ISSN: 1720-5298 [EN].
– Academia
– IRIS unito
– Aracne
STANO, S. (2023) “Ripensare l’ideologia: un’introduzione / Rethinking Ideology: An Introduction”. Lexia, 41-42: 9-23. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT, EN].
– Academia
– IRIS unito
– Aracne
STANO, S. (2022) “Tra lo sguardo e la presa: testi, discorsi e pratiche dell’(anti)turismo contemporaneo”. E|C, XVI(36): 153-161. ISSN: 1970-7452 [IT].
– Academia
– IRIS unito
– Mimesis
STANO, S. (2022) “Il mito tra verità e post-verità / Myth Between Truth and Post-Truth”. RIFL (Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio), 2022 (SFL2021): 204-213. ISSN: 2036-6728 [IT].
– Academia
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2021; online 2022) “The Face of Health Between the East and the West: A Semio-Cultural Analysis”. Sign Systems Studies, 49(3/4): 298-317. ISSN: 1406-4243 [EN].
STANO, S. (2021) “Veganism 2.0: Gastromania, nutrition, and digital communication”. Digital Age in Semiotics and Communication, 3-4: 12-30. ISSN: 2603-3585 [IT].
– Academia
– IRIS unito
– DigitAsc
STANO, S. (2021) “Nostalgia, prefigurazione, riscoperta: percorsi semiotici tra pre- e post-gastromania”. E|C, XV(32): 117-124. ISSN: 1970-7452 [IT].
– Academia
– IRIS unito
– E|C
STANO, S. (2021) “Facing Food: Pareidolia, Iconism, and Meaning”. Lexia 37-38: 487-502. ISSN: 1720-5298 [EN].
– Academia
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2020) “Glocalised foodscapes: The Self, the Other and the frontier”. Glocalism 3(2020): 1-24. ISSN: 2283-7949 [EN].
– Academia
– IRIS unito
– Glocalism
STANO, S. (2019) “Tra estetica, etica e politica: riflessioni semiotiche sul dis-gusto”, E|C XIII(27): 1-11. ISSN: 1973-2716; e-ISSN: 1970-7452 [IT].
– Academia
– E|C
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2019) “Tra food studies e semiotica del cibo: alcune questioni di metodo”. E|C XIII(25): 1-6. ISSN: 1970-7452 [IT].
– E|C
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2019; online 2018) “The Corporeal Meaning of Language: A Semiotic Approach to Musical Glossolalia”. Semiotica 229: 69-85. ISSN (Online): 1613-3692, ISSN (Print) 0037-1998 [EN].
– Semiotica
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2018) “Mauvais à regarder, bon à penser: il food porn tra gusti e disgusti”. E|C XII(23): 1-7. ISSN: 1970-7452 [IT].
– E|C
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2018) “Cuccioli e cibo nel cinema d’animazione: uno sguardo semiotico”. E|C XII(22): 1-15. ISSN: 1970-7452 [IT].
STANO, S. (2017) “Gli ‘aspetti’ del cibo: meditazioni semiotiche su gusto e disgusto”. Lexia 27-28: 415-439. ISSN: 1720-5298 [EN].
– Academia
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2017) “L’alimentazione tra natura e naturalismi: riflessioni semiotiche sulla dieta mediterranea”. CoSMo 10: 33-50. ISSN: 2281-6658 [IT].
– CoSMo
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2017) “Sogni e percorsi di generazione del senso: il dispiegamento della narrazione onirica tra psicanalisi freudiana e immaginario cinematografico”. E|C XII(21): 1-9. ISSN: 1970-7452 [IT].
– E|C
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2016) “From Hypochondria to Hyperchondria: Health Communication in the Web Era”. Lexia 25-26: 211-229. ISSN: 1720-5298 [EN].
– Academia
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2016) “Tell Me What You Do Not Eat, and I Shall Tell You What You Are. Food, Health, and Conspiracy Theories”. Lexia 23-24: 327-343. ISSN: 1720-5298 [EN].
– Academia
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2016) “Lost in translation: Food, Identity and Otherness”. Semiotica 211(1/4): 81-104. ISSN (Online) 1613-3692, ISSN (Print) 0037-1998 [EN].
STANO, S. (2016) “Introduction: Semiotics of Food”. Semiotica 211(1/4): 19-26. ISSN (Online) 1613-3692, ISSN (Print) 0037-1998 [EN].
STANO, S. (2015) “From Nutrients to Foods: The Alimentary Imaginary of the Mediterranean Diet”. Essachess – Journal for Communication Studies vol. 8, 2(16): 115-132. ISSN: 2066-5083 [EN].
– Essachess
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. and J.-J. BOUTAUD (2015) “L’alimentation entre identité et alterité. Le Soi et l’Autre sous différents régimes”. Lexia 19-20: 99-115. ISSN: 1720-5298 [FR].
– Academia
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2015) “Note per una semiotica del cibo”. Lexia 19-20: 17-36. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
– Academia
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2015) “Prefazione / Preface”. Lexia 19-20: 11-14. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
STANO, S. (2015) “Edo ergo ludo, ludo ergo edo. Forme di vita ed estetiche del quotidiano tra universo alimentare e dimensione ludica”. E/C IX(18-19): 76-80. ISSN: 1973-2716 [IT].
– Academia
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2014) “Tra regimi dietetici e regimi di senso. Il ruolo del linguaggio iconico nelle diete degli health and fitness magazines”. Lexia 17-18: 341-363. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
– Academia
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2014) “The Invention of Tradition. The Case of Pasta, A Symbol of Italian Identity / 传统的生成:意大利面可以成为意大利民族认同的象征?”. Signs & Media 8: 136-152. Chengdu (China): Sichuan University. ISBN: 978-7-5614-7546-1 [EN, CH].
– Academia
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2013) “Dal sapore al sapere. Guide turistiche e pratiche enogastronomiche tra Italia e Spain”. E|C VII(14): 137-148. ISSN: 1973-2716 [IT].
– Academia
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2013) “Per una semiotica della protesta alimentare. Il cibo tra senso e dissenso”. Lexia 13-14: 355-372. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
– Academia
– IRIS unito
STANO, S., L. Ferrara and M. Mondino (2013) “I ‘graffi’ della protesta. Street art, barriere artificiali e forme di espressione del dissenso”. Lexia 13-14: 165-211. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
STANO, S. (2013) “De gustibus non disputandum est… Decostruzione della soggettività e ‘giochi di ruolo’ nell’esperienza etnica alimentare”. E|C VII(15-16): 123-126. ISSN: 1973-2716 [IT].
STANO, S. (2012) Sotto il velo dei media. Monographic issue of Quaderni D&R 25. Turin: CIRSDe. ISSN: 1827-5982 [IT].
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2012) “From Earth to Altar, passing through the Supermarket: The Offerings of Food to the Buddha between Thai Tradition and Modernity”. Lexia 11-12: 509-526. ISSN: 1720-5298 [EN].
– Academia
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2012) “Siamo noi questo piatto di grano… L’immaginario gastronomico italiano tra seduzione e incontro amoroso”. E|C VI(11-12): 70-75. ISSN: 1973-2716 [IT].
– Academia
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2011) “L’ambientazione come pratica di lettura dell’ambiente. Il caso di Porta Palazzo a Torino”. Lexia 9-10: 215-231. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
– Academia
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2010) “Sotto il velo dei media. Semiotica dell’hijab tra Oriente e Occidente”. Lexia 5-6: 300-321. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
– Academia
– IRIS unito
Chapters of Books
STANO, S. (in press, accepted) “Between Polarization and Depolarization: Corporeality and Technological Innovation”, in M. Leone (a cura di), Digitally Divided: The Impact of Technology on Belief and Societal Polarization. Berlin: Springer [EN].
– Academia (…coming soon)
– IRIS unito (…coming soon)
– Volume in Open Access (…coming soon)
STANO, S. (2024) “Un’icona culturale in continua evoluzione”, in J. Ponzo and S. Stano (eds.), I media e le icone culturali, 175-198. Roma: Aracne. ISBN: 979-12-218-1144-5 [IT].
– Academia (…coming soon)
– IRIS unito
– Open Access Volume
STANO, S. (in press, accepted) “Introduzione”, in J. Ponzo and S. Stano (eds.), I media e le icone culturali, 9-11. Roma: Aracne. ISBN: 979-12-218-1144-5 [IT].
STANO, S. (2023) “Nuovi media, nuovi miti?”, in J. Ponzo and S. Stano (eds.), Nuovi media, nuovi miti, 21-36. Rome: Aracne. ISBN: 979-12-218-0521-5 [IT].
– Academia (…coming soon)
– IRIS unito
– Open Access Volume (Aracne)
PONZO, J. e STANO, S. (2023) “Introduzione”, in J. Ponzo and S. Stano (eds.), Nuovi media, nuovi miti, 11-20. Rome: Aracne. ISBN: 979-12-218-0521-5 [IT].
STANO, S. (2023) “The (Im)Possible Bodies of Artificial Intelligence”, in A. Santangelo and M. Leone (eds.), Semiotica e Intelligenza Artificiale, 219-237. Rome: Aracne. ISBN: 979-12-218-0429-4 [IT].
STANO, S. (2022) “Eating almost the same thing: Japanese Cuisine in Canada”, in Y. De Luca and O. Palusci (eds.), Canada: A Taste of Home / Les saveurs de chez soi, 250-268. Toronto/Buffalo/Chicago/Lancaster: Guernica. ISBN: 978-1771-83-825-2 [EN].
STANO, S. (2022) “Il corpo negato: privazione, catarsi, culto”, in J. Ponzo and E. Chiais (eds.), Il sacro e il corpo [The Sacred and the Body], 199-215. Milan-Udine: Mimesis. ISBN: 978-8857-59-131-5 [IT].
SEDDA, F. and STANO, S. (2022) “Food and Glocalization”, in U. Dessi and V. Roudometof (eds.), Handbook of Culture and Glocalization, 105-121. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-83910-900-3 [EN].
STANO, S. (2021) “Ciudades, migraciones y gastronomías emergentes: de la materia alimentaria a los procesos de significación”, in E. Cuevas-Calderón and J.E. Finol (eds.), Semiótica de la ciudad: prácticas, imaginarios y narrativas, 29-53. Lima: Fondo Editorial de la Universidad de Lima. ISBN: 978-9972-45-577-3 [ES].
STANO, S. (2021) “Il discorso alimentare tra teorie cospirative e mitologie del presente digitale: un approccio semio-culturale”. In N. Pannofino and D. Pellegrino (eds.), Trame nascoste. Teorie della cospirazione e miti sul lato in ombra della società, 49-67. Milan-Udine: Mimesis. ISBN: 978-8-857-58077-7 [IT].
– Mimesis
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2021) “Beyond Nutrition: Meanings, Narratives, Myths”. In S. Stano and A. Bentley (eds.), Food for Thought. Nourishment, Culture, Meaning, 147-158. Cham: Springer. ISBN: 978-609-02-1554-8; e-ISBN: 978-3-030-81115-0 [EN].
– Springer
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. and BENTLEY, A. (2021) “Food for Thought: An Introduction”. In S. Stano and A. Bentley (eds.), Food for Thought. Nourishment, Culture, Meaning, 1-6. Cham: Springer. ISBN: 978-609-02-1554-8; e-ISBN: 978-3-030-81115-0 [EN].
STANO, S. (2021) “Food, Health and the Body: A Biosemiotic Approach to Contemporary Eating Habits”. In Y.H. Hendlin, and J. Hope (eds.), Food and Medicine: A Biosemiotic Perspective, 43-6o. Cham: Springer. ISBN: 978-3-030-67115-0 [EN].
– Springer
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2020) “Il Natale è servito. Miti, riti, traduzioni”. In E. Chiais (ed.), Semiotica del Natale 2020, 28-39. Turin: CIRCe. ISBN: 978-8894-5080-1-7 [IT].
STANO, S. (2020) “Des sens au sens : Goût, dégoût et processus de signification”. In M. Bernoussi (ed.), La Culture culinaire marocaine : Sémiotique, histoire et communication, 58-81. Meknès (Morocco): Editions CAPITAL. ISBN: 978-9920-9437-1-0 [FR].
– Academia
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2020) “The Internet and the Spread of Conspiracy Content”. In M. Butter and P. Knight (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Conspiracy Theories, 483-496. London: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-8153-6174-9 (hbk); 978-1-1383-2122-9 (pbk); 978-0-429-45273-4 (ebk) [EN].
STANO, S. (2020) “Tra significanti e significati. Il senso del ‘cantare in altre lingue’”. In V.I. Cassone, J. Ponzo and M. Thibault (eds.), Languagescapes, 45-60. Rome: Aracne [EN].
STANO, S. (2019) “La soglia del senso. Il corpo come istanza semiotica”. In M. Leone (ed.), Il programma scientifico della semiotica, 149-162. Rome: Aracne. ISBN: 978-88-255-2763-6 [IT].
STANO, S. (2019) “The Aesthetics of Food: Chinese Cuisine(s) between the East and the West”. In M. Leone, B. Surace and J. Zeng (eds.), The Fountain and the Waterfall, 277-301. Rome: Aracne [EN].
– Academia
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2018) “Redéfinir le comestible : Insectes et alimentation du futur”. In K. Stengel and P. Taranto (eds.), Futurophagie. Penser la cuisine de demain, 65-92. Paris: L’Harmattan. ISBN: 978-2-343-14707-9; EAN: 9782343147079 [FR].
STANO, S. (2018) “La catastrofe fra natura e cultura: riflessioni semiotiche sulla fine del mondo”. In V. Idone Cassone, B. Surace and M. Thibault (eds.), I discorsi della fine, 29-37. Rome: Aracne. ISBN: 978-88-255-1346-2 [IT].
STANO, S. (2018) “Dreams and Narratives: From Psychoanalysis to Contemporary Imaginaries”. In O. Andreica and A. Olteanu (eds.), Readings in Numanities, 19-28. Berlin: Springer. e-ISSN: 2510-4438; ISBN: 978-3-319-66913-7; e-ISBN: 978-3-319-66914-4 [EN].
STANO, S. (2018) “Eating Diversity, Creating Identity: Translations of the Culinary Code Between Creativity and Misunderstanding”. In O. Andreica and A. Olteanu (eds.), Readings in Numanities, 85-92. Berlin: Springer. e-ISSN: 2510-4438; ISBN: 978-3-319-66913-7; e-ISBN: 978-3-319-66914-4 [EN].
STANO, S. (2017) “Dall’animale alla bestia, andata e ritorno: la violenza tra natura e cultura, umano e non umano”. In G. Marrone (ed.), Zoosemiotica 2.0. Forme e politiche dell’animalità, 621-628. Palermo: Nuovi Quaderni del Circolo Semiologico Siciliano. ISBN: 978-88-97035-26-8 [IT].
STANO, S. (2016), “Weblogs: Revolutionary Media?”. In B. Çoban (ed.), Social Media and Social Movements: The Transformation of Communication Patterns, 151-164. Lanham (Maryland): Lexington Books (Rowman & Littlefield). ISBN: 978-1-4985-2930-3; e-ISBN: 978-1-4985-2931-0 [EN].
STANO, S. (2016) “‘Aggiungi un posto a tavola, che c’è un cliente in più’. Ludicizzazione dell’esperienza alimentare e riscritture urbane tra locali clandestini, servizi itineranti e home restaurant”. In M. Thibault (ed.), Gamification urbana. Letture e riscritture ludiche degli spazi cittadini, 253-265. Rome: Aracne. ISBN: 978-88-548-8662-9 [IT].
– Academia
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2016) “I feed therefore I am. Mothers, pasta, and advertisements”. In F. Pasche Guignard and T.M. Cassidy (eds.), Mothers and Food: Negotiating Foodways from Maternal Perspectives, 259-271. Toronto: Demeter Press. ISBN: 978-1-77258-002-0 [EN].
STANO, S. (2015) “Semiotics of Food”. In P. Trifonas (ed.), International Handbook of Semiotics, 647-671. New York/London: Springer. ISBN: 978-94-017-9403-9; eISBN:978-94-017-9404-6 [EN].
STANO, S. (2015) “Il crudo, il cotto e l’autentico: il cibo tra natura e naturalizzazione”. In G. Ferraro et al. (eds.), Dire la natura. Ambiente e significazione, 421-428. Rome: Aracne. ISBN: 978-88-548-8662-9 [IT].
STANO, S. (2014) “Re-escrituras y re-generaciones. Graffiti y prácticas de resemantización espacial / Ri-scritture e ri–generazioni. Graffiti e pratiche di risemantizzazione spaziale”. In M. D’Annuntiis, G. Mondaini and P. Sollazzo (eds.), Regeneraciones Urbanas. De la ciudad abandonada al smart landscape / Rigenerazioni urbane. Dalla città dismessa allo smart landscape, 96-103. Santa Fé (Argentina): dgb books. ISBN: 978-987-28068-1-1 [ES, IT].
STANO, S. (2014) “Sözde Blog Devrimi”. In B. Çoban (ed.), Social Media R/evolution – Sosyal Medya Devrimi, 200-213. Istanbul: Su Yayinevi. ISBN: 978-605-4554-18-8 [TK].
STANO, S. (2013) “Graffiti e pratiche di ri-scrittura murale. La East Side Gallery di Berlino”. In R. Mastroianni (ed.), Writing the City. Graffitismo, immaginario urbano e street art, 143-164. Rome: Aracne. ISBN: 978-88-548-6330-9 [IT].
STANO, S. (2013) “Io, l’Altro e il ‘cuoco’. Differenze che fanno ‘differenza’ e modello topic-focus nel cinema italiano contemporaneo”. In G. Ferraro and A. Santangelo (eds.), Uno sguardo più attento. I dispositivi di senso dei testi cinematografici, 135-164. Rome: Aracne. ISBN: 978-88-548-6330-9 [IT].
STANO, S. (2013) “Signs of impertinence: Graffiti Art and Mural Re-writing”. In L. Borriello and C. Ruggiero (eds.), Inopinatum. The unexpected impertinence of urban creativity, 175-197. Salerno: ArtiGrafiche Boccia. ISBN: 978-88-909026-0-4 [EN].
– Academia
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2013) “Il cibo dell’Altro. Traduzioni del codice alimentare”. In D. Mangano and G. Marrone (eds.), Regimi di senso: dietetica e semiotica, 175-196. Milan-Udine: Mimesis. ISBN: 978-88-5751-775-9 [IT].
Texts in Proceedings (Peer-Reviewed)
STANO, S. (2020) “Trayectorias discursivas: la alimentación entre ciencia y comunicación”. In M. Soto and F. Baeza (eds.), Alteridades, identidades. Actas 14º Congreso Mundial de Semiótica : Trayectorias / Proceedings of the 14th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies Trajectories, vol. 2, 179-187. Buenos Aires: IASS Publications & Libros de Crítica. ISSN 2414-6862. e-ISBN: 978-987-47805-2-2 [ES].
STANO, S. (2020) “Between Semeiotics and Semiotics: The Body as a Signifying Text”. In M. Soto and F. Baeza (eds.), Alteridades, identidades. Actas 14º Congreso Mundial de Semiótica : Trayectorias / Proceedings of the 14th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies Trajectories, vol. 2, 133-140. Buenos Aires: IASS Publications & Libros de Crítica. ISSN 2414-6862. e-ISBN: 978-987-47805-2-2 [EN].
STANO, S. (2018) “Reconsidering Greimas’ narrative theory: Differences that make a difference”. In A. Daubariene, A., S. Stano and U. Varankaite (eds.), Cross-Inter-Multi-Trans – Proceedings of the 13th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies(IASS/AIS), 177-125. Kaunas: IASS Publications and International Semiotics Institute. ISSN: 2414-6862; ISBN: 978-609-02-1554-8 [EN].
STANO, S. (2018) “Glocal food and transnational identities: The case of the Mediterranean diet”. In A. Daubariene, A., S. Stano and U. Varankaite (eds.), Cross-Inter-Multi-Trans – Proceedings of the 13th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies(IASS/AIS), 450-459. Kaunas: IASS Publications and International Semiotics Institute. ISSN: 2414-6862; ISBN: 978-609-02-1554-8[EN].
STANO, S. (2017) “Con-Fusion Cuisines”: Melting Foods and Hybrid Identities”. In New Semiotics. Between Tradition and Innovation – Prooceedings of the 12th World Congress of Semiotics IASS/AIS, 904-913. Sofia: NBU Publishing House & IASS Publications. ISSN: 2414-6862. ISBN: 978-954-535-943-9 [EN].
STANO, S. (2012) “La comida del ‘Otro’. Una mirada semiótica sobre la traducción del código alimentario”. In Memorias del VII Congreso Venezolano Internacional de Semiótica “Cotidianidad, Educación y Comunicación”, 638-655. Maracaibo (Venezuela). ISBN: 978-980-402-088-9 [ES].
STANO, S. (2010) “Sous le voile des médias: Sémiotique du hijab entre l’Orient et l’Occident”. In M. Bernoussi (ed.), Interprétation et Sciences Humaines. Actes du colloque de Meknès, 214-234. Meknès (Morocco): Print-Shop. ISBN: 978-9981-933-18-7 [FR].
Scholarly Reviews
STANO, S. (2020) “Review of 'Blackledge, Adrian and Angela Creese (2019) Voices of a City Market: An Ethnography, Bristol: Multilingual Matters Ltd’”. Social Semiotics. Online ISSN: 1470-1219 [EN].
– Social Semiotics (preview)
– Social Semiotics (50 free copies online)
– IRIS unito (pre-print version)
STANO, S. (2015) Recensione di ‘Marrone, Gianfranco (a cura di) (2015) Buono da pensare. Cultura e comunicazione del gusto, Carocci, Roma’. Lexia 19-20: 499-503. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
STANO, S. (2014) Review of ‘Sedda, Franciscu (2012) Imperfette traduzioni. Semiopolitica delland culture, Edizioni Nuova Cultura, Roma’. Lexia 15-16:311-317. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
STANO, S. (2012) Review of ‘Marrone, Gianfranco and Alice Giannitrapani (eds.) (2012) La cucina del senso, Mimesis, Milano’. Lexia 11-12:675-684. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
– Academia
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2012) Review of ‘Boutaud, Jean-Jacques (2012) Il senso goloso. La commensalità, il gusto, gli alimenti, ETS, Pisa’. Lexia 11-12:665-674. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
– Academia
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2011) Review of ‘Bianciardi, Lorenzo (2011) Il sapore di un film, Protagon, Siena’. Lexia 9-10: 403-409. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
– Academia
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. (2009) Translation of Eric Landowski, “Avoir prise, donner prise”, Nouveaux Actes Sémiotiques, 112. It. Transl. “Avere presa, dare presa”. Lexia 3-4: 139-202. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
Call for papers
Call for papers – Signata n. 15 “Nurturing Meaning: Food, Myth and Signification / Nourrir le sens : alimentation, mythe et signification” [Scopus, A-ANVUR] [EN / FR] edited by S. Stano.
Deadline: December 15, 2022
Call for papers – Lexia n. 43-44 “Ideologia / Ideology” [Scopus, A-ANVUR ranked journal] [EN / IT / FR / ES] edited by S. Stano and M. Leone.
Deadline: June 15, 2022
– Call for papers
– Lexia
Book of Abstracts
STANO, S. (ed.) (2011) “Book of Abstracts – International Conference ‘Foodologies: Nourishment, Language, Communication’” [EN].
– Academia
– “Foodologies” Conference's website
– IRIS unito
STANO, S. e A. BENTLEY (eds.) (2019) “Book of Abstracts – International Conference ‘Food for Thought: Nourishment, Culture, Meaning’” [EN].
– Academia
– “Food for Thought” Conference's website
– IRIS unito
* EN (English) / IT (Italiano / Italian) / ES (Español – Spanish) / FR (Français – French) / CH (中国的– Chinese) / TK (Türk– Turkish)
Here below you can find a selected list of my publications, including links to Open Access texts or publishers' websites.
- STANO, S. (2018) I sensi del cibo. Elementi di semiotica dell’alimentazione. Rome: Aracne. ISBN: 978-88-255-2096-6 [IT*].
- STANO, S. (2015) Eating the Other. Translations of the Culinary Code. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-4438-7793-0 [EN].
Edited volumes
- STANO, S., A. DAUBARIENE, A. and U. VARANKAITE (eds.) (2018) Cross-Inter-Multi-Trans – Proceedings of the 13th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AIS). Kaunas: IASS Publications and International Semiotics Institute. ISSN: 2414-6862; ISBN: 978-609-02-1554-8 [EN, FR, ES].
- STANO, S. (ed.) (2016) Semiotics of Food / Sémiotique de l’Alimentation. Monografic issue of Semiotica 211(1/4). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. ISSN (Online) 1613-3692, ISSN (Print) 0037-1998 [EN, FR].
- STANO, S. (ed.) (2015) Cibo e identità culturale / Food and Cultural Identity. Lexia 19-20. Rome: Aracne. ISSN:1720-5298 [EN, IT, FR, ES].
Refereed Journal Articles
- STANO, S. (2019) “Tra estetica, etica e politica: riflessioni semiotiche sul dis-gusto”. E|C XIV(27): 1-11. ISSN: 1970-7452 [IT].
- STANO, S. (2019) “Tra food studies e semiotica del cibo: alcune questioni di metodo”. E|C XIII(25): 1-6. ISSN: 1970-7452 [IT].
- STANO, S. (2018) “Mauvais à regarder, bon à penser: il food porn tra gusti e disgusti”. E|C XII(23): 1-7. ISSN: 1970-7452 [IT].
- STANO, S. (2018) “Cuccioli e cibo nel cinema d’animazione: uno sguardo semiotico”. E|C XII(22): 1-15. ISSN: 1970-7452 [IT].
- STANO, S. (2017) “Gli ‘aspetti’ del cibo: meditazioni semiotiche su gusto e disgusto”. Lexia 27-28: 415-439. ISSN: 1720-5298 [EN].
- STANO, S. (2017) “L’alimentazione tra natura e naturalismi: riflessioni semiotiche sulla dieta mediterranea”. CoSMo 10: 33-50. ISSN: 2281-6658 [IT].
- STANO, S. (2017) “Sogni e percorsi di generazione del senso: il dispiegamento della narrazione onirica tra psicanalisi freudiana e immaginario cinematografico”. E|C XII(21): 1-9. ISSN: 1970-7452 [IT].
- STANO, S. (2016) “From Hypochondria to Hyperchondria: Health Communication in the Web Era”. Lexia 25-26: 211-229. ISSN: 1720-5298 [EN].
- STANO, S. (2016) “Tell Me What You Do Not Eat, and I Shall Tell You What You Are. Food, Health, and Conspiracy Theories”. Lexia 23-24: 327-343. ISSN: 1720-5298 [EN].
- STANO, S. (2016) “Lost in translation: Food, Identity and Otherness”. Semiotica 211(1/4): 81-104. ISSN (Online) 1613-3692, ISSN (Print) 0037-1998 [EN].
- STANO, S. (2016) “Introduction: Semiotics of Food”. Semiotica 211(1/4): 19-26. ISSN (Online) 1613-3692, ISSN (Print) 0037-1998 [EN].
- STANO, S. (2015) “From Nutrients to Foods: The Alimentary Imaginary of the Mediterranean Diet”. Essachess – Journal for Communication Studies vol. 8, 2(16): 115-132. ISSN: 2066-5083 [EN].
- STANO, S. and J.-J. BOUTAUD (2015) “L’alimentation entre identité et alterité. Le Soi et l’Autre sous différents régimes”. Lexia 19-20: 99-115. ISSN: 1720-5298 [FR].
- STANO, S. (2015) “Note per una semiotica del cibo”. Lexia 19-20: 17-36. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
- STANO, S. (2015) “Prefazione / Preface”. Lexia 19-20: 11-14. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
- STANO, S. (2015) “Edo ergo ludo, ludo ergo edo. Forme di vita ed estetiche del quotidiano tra universo alimentare e dimensione ludica”. E/C IX(18-19): 76-80. ISSN: 1973-2716 [IT].
- STANO, S. (2014) “Tra regimi dietetici e regimi di senso. Il ruolo del linguaggio iconico nelle diete degli health and fitness magazines”. Lexia 17-18: 341-363. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
- STANO, S. (2014) “The Invention of Tradition. The Case of Pasta, A Symbol of Italian Identity / 传统的生成:意大利面可以成为意大利民族认同的象征?”. Signs & Media 8: 136-152. Chengdu (China): Sichuan University. ISBN: 978-7-5614-7546-1 [EN, CH].
- STANO, S. (2013) “Dal sapere al sapore. Guide turistiche e pratiche enogastronomiche tra Italia e Spain”. E|C VII(14): 137-148. ISSN: 1973-2716 [IT].
- STANO, S. (2013) “Per una semiotica della protesta alimentare. Il cibo tra senso e dissenso”. Lexia 13-14: 355-372. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
- STANO, S., L. Ferrara and M. Mondino (2013) “I ‘graffi’ della protesta. Street art, barriere artificiali e forme di espressione del dissenso”. Lexia 13-14: 165-211. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
- STANO, S. (2013) “De gustibus non disputandum est… Decostruzione della soggettività e ‘giochi di ruolo’ nell’esperienza etnica alimentare”. E|C VII(15-16): 123-126. ISSN: 1973-2716 [IT].
- STANO, S. (2012) Sotto il velo dei media. Monographic issue of Quaderni D&R 25. Turin: CIRSDe. ISSN: 1827-5982 [IT].
- STANO, S. (2012) “From Earth to Altar, passing through the Supermarket: The Offerings of Food to the Buddha between Thai Tradition and Modernity”. Lexia 11-12: 509-526. ISSN: 1720-5298 [EN].
- STANO, S. (2012) “Siamo noi questo piatto di grano… L’immaginario gastronomico italiano tra seduzione e incontro amoroso”. E|C VI(11-12): 70-75. ISSN: 1973-2716 [IT].
- STANO, S. (2011) “L’ambientazione come pratica di lettura dell’ambiente. Il caso di Porta Palazzo a Torino”. Lexia 9-10: 215-231. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
- STANO, S. (2010) “Sotto il velo dei media. Semiotica dell’hijab tra Oriente e Occidente”. Lexia 5-6: 300-321. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
Scholarly Book Chapters
- STANO, S. (in press) “Des sens au sens : Goût, dégoût et processus de signification”. In M. Bernoussi (ed.), La culture culinaire: histoire, sémiotique et communication. Meknès (Morocco): Print-Shop [FR].
- STANO, S. (in press) “The Internet: The Spread of Conspiracy Content”. In M. Butter and P. Knight (eds.), Handbook of Conspiracy Theories. London: Routledge [EN].
- STANO, S. (in press) “Food, Health and the Body: A Biosemiotic Approach to Contemporary Eating Habits”, in V.N. Alexander, Y.H. Hendlin and J. Hope (eds.), Food and Medicine: A Biosemiotic Perspective. Berlin: Springer [EN].
- STANO, S. (2020) “Tra significanti e significati: il senso del ‘cantare in altre lingue’” in V. Idone Cassone, J. Ponzo and M. Thibault (eds.), Ancient and Artificial Languages, 45-60. Roma: Aracne. ISBN: 978-88-255-2958-6 [IT].
- STANO, S. (2019) “La soglia del senso. Il corpo come istanza semiotica”. In M. Leone (ed.), Il programma scientifico della semiotica, 149-162. Rome: Aracne. ISBN: 978-88-255-2763-6 [IT].
- STANO, S. (2019) “The Aesthetics of Food: Chinese Cuisine(s) between the East and the West”. In M. Leone, B. Surace and J. Zeng (eds.), The Fountain and the Waterfall, 277-301. Rome: Aracne [EN].
- STANO, S. (2018) “Redéfinir le comestible : Insectes et alimentation du futur”. In K. Stengel and P. Taranto (eds.), Futurophagie. Penser la cuisine de demain, 65-92. Paris: L’Harmattan. ISBN: 978-2-343-14707-9; EAN: 9782343147079 [FR].
- STANO, S. (2018) “La catastrofe fra natura e cultura: riflessioni semiotiche sulla fine del mondo”. In V. Idone Cassone, B. Surace and M. Thibault (eds.), I discorsi della fine, 29-37. Rome: Aracne. ISBN: 978-88-255-1346-2 [IT].
- STANO, S. (2018) “Dreams and Narratives: From Psychoanalysis to Contemporary Imaginaries”. In O. Andreica and A. Olteanu (eds.), Readings in Numanities, 19-28. Berlin: Springer. e-ISSN: 2510-4438; ISBN: 978-3-319-66913-7; e-ISBN: 978-3-319-66914-4 [EN].
- STANO, S. (2018) “Eating Diversity, Creating Identity: Translations of the Culinary Code Between Creativity and Misunderstanding”. In O. Andreica and A. Olteanu (eds.), Readings in Numanities, 85-92. Berlin: Springer. e-ISSN: 2510-4438; ISBN: 978-3-319-66913-7; e-ISBN: 978-3-319-66914-4 [EN].
- STANO, S. (2017) “Dall’animale alla bestia, andata e ritorno: la violenza tra natura e cultura, umano e non umano”. In G. Marrone (ed.), Zoosemiotica 2.0. Forme e politiche dell’animalità, 621-628. Palermo: Nuovi Quaderni del Circolo Semiologico Siciliano. ISBN: 978-88-97035-26-8 [IT].
- STANO, S. (2016) “‘Aggiungi un posto a tavola, che c’è un cliente in più’. Ludicizzazione dell’esperienza alimentare e riscritture urbane tra locali clandestini, servizi itineranti e home restaurant”. In M. Thibault (ed.), Gamification urbana. Letture e riscritture ludiche degli spazi cittadini, 253-265. Rome: Aracne. ISBN: 978-88-548-8662-9 [IT].
- STANO, S. (2016) “I feed therefore I am. Mothers, pasta, and advertisements”. In F. Pasche Guignard and T.M. Cassidy (eds.), Mothers and Food: Negotiating Foodways from Maternal Perspectives, 259-271. Toronto: Demeter Press. ISBN: 978-1-77258-002-0 [EN].
- STANO, S. (2016), “Weblogs: Revolutionary Media?”. In B. Çoban (ed.), Social Media and Social Movements: The Transformation of Communication Patterns, 151-164. Lanham (Maryland): Lexington Books (Rowman & Littlefield). ISBN: 978-1-4985-2930-3; e-ISBN: 978-1-4985-2931-0 [EN].
- STANO, S. (2015) “Il crudo, il cotto e l’autentico: il cibo tra natura e naturalizzazione”. In G. Ferraro et al. (eds.), Dire la natura. Ambiente e significazione, 421-428. Rome: Aracne. ISBN: 978-88-548-8662-9 [IT].
- STANO, S. (2015) “Semiotics of Food”. In P. Trifonas (ed.) International Handbook of Semiotics, 647-671. New York/London: Springer. ISBN: 978-94-017-9403-9; eISBN:978-94-017-9404-6 [EN].
- STANO, S. (2014) “Re-escrituras y re-generaciones. Graffiti y prácticas de resemantización espacial / Ri-scritture e ri–generazioni. Graffiti e pratiche di risemantizzazione spaziale”. In M. D’Annuntiis, G. Mondaini and P. Sollazzo (eds.) / Regeneraciones Urbanas. De la ciudad abandonada al smart landscape / Rigenerazioni urbane. Dalla città dismessa allo smart landscape, 96-103. Santa Fé (Argentina): dgb books. ISBN: 978-987-28068-1-1 [ES, IT].
- STANO, S. (2014) “Sözde Blog Devrimi”. In B. Çoban (ed.) Social Media R/evolution – Sosyal Medya Devrimi, 200-213. Istanbul: Su Yayinevi. ISBN: 978-605-4554-18-8 [TK].
- STANO, S. (2013) “Io, l’Altro e il ‘cuoco’. Differenze che fanno ‘differenza’ e modello topic-focus nel cinema italiano contemporaneo”. In G. Ferraro and A. Santangelo (eds.), Uno sguardo più attento. I dispositivi di senso dei testi cinematografici, 135-164. Rome: Aracne. ISBN: 978-88-548-6330-9 [IT].
- STANO, S. (2013) “Signs of impertinence: Graffiti Art and Mural Re-writing”. In L. Borriello and C. Ruggiero (eds.), Inopinatum. The unexpected impertinence of urban creativity, 175-197. Salerno: ArtiGrafiche Boccia. ISBN: 978-88-909026-0-4 [EN].
- STANO, S. (2013) “Il cibo dell’Altro. Traduzioni del codice alimentare”. In D. Mangano and G. Marrone (eds.), Regimi di senso: dietetica e semiotica, 175-196. Milan-Udine: Mimesis. ISBN: 978-88-5751-775-9 [IT].
Refereed Conference Papers
- STANO, S. (2018) “Reconsidering Greimas’ narrative theory: Differences that make a difference”. In A. DAUBARIENE, A., S. STANO and U. VARANKAITE (eds.), Cross-Inter-Multi-Trans – Proceedings of the 13th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AIS), 177-125. Kaunas: IASS Publications and International Semiotics Institute. ISSN: 2414-6862; ISBN: 978-609-02-1554-8 [EN].
- STANO, S. (2018) “Glocal food and transnational identities: The case of the Mediterranean diet”. In A. DAUBARIENE, A., S. STANO and U. VARANKAITE (eds.), Cross-Inter-Multi-Trans – Proceedings of the 13th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AIS), 450-459. Kaunas: IASS Publications and International Semiotics Institute. ISSN: 2414-6862; ISBN: 978-609-02-1554-8[EN].
- STANO, S. (2017) “Con-Fusion Cuisines”: Melting Foods and Hybrid Identities”. In New Semiotics. Between Tradition and Innovation – Prooceedings of the 12th World Congress of Semiotics IASS/AIS, 904-913. Sofia: NBU Publishing House & IASS Publications. ISSN: 2414-6862. ISBN: 978-954-535-943-9 [EN].
- STANO, S. (2013) “Graffiti e pratiche di ri-scrittura murale. La East Side Gallery di Berlino”. In R. Mastroianni (ed.), Writing the City. Graffitismo, immaginario urbano e street art, 143-164. Rome: Aracne. ISBN: 978-88-548-6330-9 [IT].
- STANO, S. (2012) “La comida del ‘Otro’. Una mirada semiótica sobre la traducción del código alimentario”. In Memorias del VII Congreso Venezolano Internacional de Semiótica “Cotidianidad, Educación y Comunicación”, 638-655. Maracaibo (Venezuela). ISBN: 978-980-402-088-9 [ES].
- STANO, S. (2010) “Sous le voile des médias: Sémiotique du hijab entre l’Orient et l’Occident”. In M. Bernoussi (ed.), Interprétation et Sciences Humaines. Actes du colloque de Meknès, 214-234. Meknès (Morocco): Print-Shop. ISBN: 978-9981-933-18-7 [FR].
- STANO, S. (2009) Translation of Eric Landowski, “Avoir prise, donner prise”, Nouveaux Actes Sémiotiques, 112. It. Transl. “Avere presa, dare presa”. Lexia 3-4: 139-202. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
Scholarly Reviews
- STANO, S. (2020) Review di “Blackledge, Adrian and Angela Creese (2019)Voices of a City Market: An Ethnography, Bristol: Multilingual Matters Ltd”. Social Semiotics. Print ISSN: 1035-0330; Online ISSN: 1470-1219 [EN].
- STANO, S. (2015) Review of ‘Marrone, Gianfranco (ed.) (2015)Buono da pensare. Cultura e comunicazione del gusto, Carocci, Roma’. Lexia 19-20: 499-503. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
- STANO, S. (2014) Review of ‘Sedda, Franciscu (2012) Imperfette traduzioni. Semiopolitica delland culture, Edizioni Nuova Cultura, Roma’. Lexia 15-16:311-317. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
- STANO, S. (2012) Review of ‘Marrone, Gianfranco and Alice Giannitrapani (eds.) (2012) La cucina del senso, Mimesis, Milano‘. Lexia 11-12:675-684. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
- STANO, S. (2012) Review of ‘Boutaud, Jean-Jacques (2012) Il senso goloso. La commensalità, il gusto, gli alimenti, ETS, Pisa’. Lexia 11-12:665-674. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
- STANO, S. (2011) Review of ‘Bianciardi, Lorenzo (2011) Il sapore di un film, Protagon, Siena’. Lexia 9-10: 403-409. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
* EN (English) / IT (Italiano / Italian) / ES (Español – Spanish) / FR (Français – French) / CH (中国的– Chinese) / TK (Türk– Turkish)